UNESCO: Naumburg DOM is a World Heritage site

After the Viking settlement of Haithabu, the Naumburg Cathedral has also been declared a World Heritage site. For the application from Saxony-Anhalt it was already the third attempt.

UNESCO: Naumburg DOM is a World Heritage site

The Naumburg Dom in Saxony-Anhalt has been appointed ZumWeltkulturerbe. The World Cultural Organization Beschlossdie to be listed in International Heritage List at ir meeting in Bahrain. Damitgehören now has a total of 44 German monuments as a World heritage site.

For application from Saxony-Anhalt, Esbereits was third attempt. Twice recording of NaumburgerDoms and high-medieval landscape of Saale and Unstrutvergeblich had been requested, most recently last year. Now Hattedie application of Duomo success, but without cultural landscape. The Gothic cadral of St. Peter and Paul counts to most important cadral buildings of European High Middle Ages. Today Evangelical church is known mainly for derlebensgroßen benefactor figures of Naumburg master from 13th century. Especially famous among m is portrayal of DerMarkgräfin Uta of Naumburg.

Previously, UNESCO had already appointed DieBefestigungsanlage Danewerk and trading centre Haithabu Inschleswig-Holstein as a World Heritage site. They are one of most important archäologischenZeugnissen in norrn Europe. From 7th to 12th century, DasVerteidigungssystem Danewerk secured border of Danish Empire. The near GelegeneWikingersiedlung Haithabu was at times up to 2,000 Bewohnerneiner of most important medieval settlement places InNordeuropa. The city was destroyed in 1066 and was largely forgotten. The excavations began 1900. The site is Wegenihrer Rich archaeological finds of fundamental importance for study of Viking Age, declared UNESCO.

Also sites such as KolumbianischeNationalpark Chiribiquete, Caliphate city of Medina Azahara in Spain and forest landscape Pimachiowin Aki in Canada Zählenseit Sunday to world heritage. In addition, Victorian Undart-Déco Ensemble of Mumbai, prehistoric site of GöbekliTepe in Turkey, Buddhist mountain monasteries in South Korea and hidden Christian sites in Nagasaki region in Japan were selected.

Date Of Update: 02 July 2018, 12:02