Giessen psychology study: how do the cravings comes just before the days

The a feeling a feeling of tightness in the chest, others are moodier than usual or not able to concentrate. Other women tend to, however, before the days of to

Giessen psychology study: how do the cravings comes just before the days

The a feeling a feeling of tightness in the chest, others are moodier than usual or not able to concentrate. Other women tend to, however, before the days of to cravings. They attack suddenly, or, more burgers or fries, ice cream or cake. But why is this so? Psychologists at the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen have taken on this question, and 35 young healthy women who do not prevent hormonal, over three months to the laboratory to be invited. First of all: you have to a study of an idea, but it is a secure answer from your point of view, further scientific research is needed.

"These premenstrual symptoms and cravings to certain food to be brought, especially in connection with the biochemical changes during the monthly cycle," reports the University. Whether the female brain respond just before the period is also particularly sensitive to food stimuli, have studied the research team.

What is the data collected from the show

To this end, they invited the women on several occasions: in the first half of the cycle, at the time of ovulation and in the time shortly before Menstruation. Accordingly, the women looked at pictures of calorie bombs, and other foods and rated how tasty they appear to each of them. Meanwhile, the researchers measured always the brain waves via EEG and determined the concentration of the sex hormone progesterone. In addition, the women reported how they felt in the course of the menstrual cycle, and whether the consequences for your work or your Hobbies have.

the data collected from The show, according to the University: women react in the time shortly before Menstruation significantly more sensitive to images of high-caloric food than in other cycle phases. "The research team therefore assumes that it is women with low Progesterone levels in the period prior to the period and with a higher falls by the period-related complaints is easier to draw their attention to food stimuli."

Date Of Update: 08 July 2020, 07:20