The fantasy film The Animal Kingdom directed by Romain Cailley topped the César nominations on Wednesday January 24, being selected in twelve categories, ahead of Anatomy of a Fall, by Justine Triet, nominated eleven times. The ceremony will take place on Friday, February 23. The director, with Jeanne Herry for I will always see your faces and Catherine Breillat for Last Summer, is in the running in the category of best director, a trophy which has only been won once in the history of the Césars by a woman and one year after the controversy arising from the absence of female representation for this distinction.

In total, 3,375 members of the Académie des Césars voted, or 72% of them. They now have one month to choose the winners, before the ceremony takes place on February 23 at the Olympia in Paris, chaired by Valérie Lemercier. Honorary Césars will be awarded to actress and director Agnès Jaoui and to American-British filmmaker Christopher Nolan, director of Oppenheimer. The evening will be a baptism of fire for the new Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati.

Yesterday, Tuesday, the film directed by Justine Triet and Palme d’Or winner at the Cannes Film Festival was nominated in five categories for the Oscars, including best film and best director. The feature film is also nominated in the categories of best original screenplay, best actress and best editing. The French film was rewarded with two Golden Globes in early January.

Nominations in the main categories

Best actress

Best actor

Best film

Best achievement

Best Supporting Actress

Best Supporting Actor

Best Original Screenplay

Best foreign film

The complete list of nominations.