These 5 apps should help you sleep better

According to the National Institute of Health and Medical Research -Inserm- more than one in three French people is affected by a sleep disorder.

These 5 apps should help you sleep better

According to the National Institute of Health and Medical Research -Inserm- more than one in three French people is affected by a sleep disorder. Difficulty falling asleep, nocturnal awakenings, feeling of waking up even more exhausted than the day before, the study reveals that 45% of 25-45 year olds consider that they sleep less than they need. In an attempt to help users get back to sleep and recharge the batteries efficiently, applications are being developed.

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The Calm app uses the practice of meditation to calm stress and anxiety. Accessible to beginners, it also contains programs for more advanced users. The duration of the sessions varies from 3 to 25 minutes.

You can also listen to bedtime stories, as well as relaxing musical tracks, visualized soundscapes or voice-guided breathing exercises. Part of the application is dedicated to children, both to calm frustrations and to help sleep.

Price: annual subscription at 49.99 euros. The platform also offers a lifetime subscription at 329.99 euros.

The phone - open on the application - placed on the bedside table during the night, studies the rhythms of sleep by analyzing the sounds and vibrations emitted by the user. The platform also performs the wake-up function -within an interval of 30 minutes before the programmed alarm time- during the shallowest sleep phase. By respecting your sleep rhythm, waking up is more natural and you feel more rested, promises the application.

The paid version of Sleep Cycle gives access to premium features to better understand your sleep: analysis of snoring, influence of the weather on the quality of your nights, measurement of your heart rate when you wake up.

Price: 29.99 euros per year.

The BetterSleep application is based on a system of settings that allows you to customize its sound environment by increasing, for example, the sound of waves, associated with that of gentle rain.

Alongside the catalog of relaxing sounds, a voice-guided meditation program helps calm stress and anxiety. If that's not enough, brain waves and ASMR - a sound-based relaxation technique - will help you get to sleep.

Price: 19.99 euros per year.

Recommended for infants or people suffering from tinnitus, white noise recreates an environment of relaxing sounds and blocks out surrounding sound distractions: dripping tap, creaking parquet... In addition to white noise, the White Noise Lite application offers an extensive catalog of ambient noises including: air conditioning, the purring of a cat, the rinsing of the dishwasher, the train journey, sparkling water.

An alarm and timer system makes it possible to reduce the sounds when falling asleep or, on the contrary, to increase them to wake up the user.

Price: free.

Downloaded several thousand times, the Petit BamBou application introduces users to meditation thanks to a large catalog of guided sessions - more than 600 - to learn how to calm down and sleep better. The exercises are based on sophrology, positive psychology or mindfulness. The first eight 10-minute sessions are free. Meditation sessions suitable for children and teenagers are also offered.

Price: 41.99 euros for a six-month subscription.

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Conversely, Morphée is not an application. This round object made of wood and brass encourages us to disconnect, convinced that screens are the enemies of sleep. Equipped with three keys to turn, it offers more than 210 different combinations to make it easier to fall asleep and calm down.

The user has the choice between several sounds, relaxation exercises based on heart rate and meditation sessions guided by a male or female voice. Each program is available in eight different levels of 8 or 20 minutes.

"The goal is to calm your flow of thoughts and relearn how to breathe so you can fall asleep. We wanted a disconnected object, free of harmful blue light for sleep. To sleep well, you need to leave your phone at home. outside the room so as not to be caught up in notifications and messages", underlines Guillaume Barathon, co-founder of the box.

A version for children is in preparation.

Price: 79.95 euros, on sale at Nature et Découvertes, Boulanger, Cultura and on the official Morphée website.