Corona-Warn-App: ministries report technical problems with the service mobile phones

With the so-called Corona-Warning-App, there are several Ministry technical problems. Many employees are not able to install the App on their company cell phone

Corona-Warn-App: ministries report technical problems with the service mobile phones

With the so-called Corona-Warning-App, there are several Ministry technical problems. Many employees are not able to install the App on their company cell phones, according to a newspaper report. As the "Bild am Sonntag" reported, the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), Federal Ministry for development and cooperation (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry of food and agriculture (BMEL) and the state Ministry for culture and media (BKM) mobile phones in use that do not support the App of the Federal government.

The BMZ is the App according to the report, only 30 percent of service-mobile phones, installable. There are many older Smartphone models are not in use, the operating system supports the App. A spokesman for the newspaper said: "The BMZ is a long term use of the devices, in order to keep in line of cost-effectiveness and sustainability cost and environmental pollution by electronic waste low."

Bluetooth "security" disabled reasons

The BKM only 10 of a total of 90 service-mobile phones Warning App are clearly capable. 65 mobile units in the resort are not app-enabled Smartphones, but was used exclusively to telephony, said a spokesman. In 20 Smartphones is the Bluetooth needed to be turned off also-connection "for safety". The switched-on Bluetooth-connection is a condition for the Corona-Warning App does not work.

said The Federal MINISTRY of Finance, there is a set "of models from different manufacturers that allow in part on the use of the Corona-Warning-App", but no Numbers."All Agencies involved are working to enable the use of the App in a timely manner on all devices," it said from the Ministry. The MINISTRY of food and agriculture 10 out of 150 service-Smartphones are still not Warning-App-capable, but in the coming days to be replaced.

Date Of Update: 27 June 2020, 23:19