Demonstrations in Russia: you don't want a Kremlin-careerists the website of the Russian state television, recorded this day as the most important issue is the appointment of a provincial Governor by the name of M

Demonstrations in Russia: you don't want a Kremlin-careerists the website of the Russian state television, recorded this day as the most important issue is the appointment of a provincial Governor by the name of Mikhail Degtjarjow. This President Vladimir Putin has sent last Monday from Moscow, more than 6000 kilometres to Khabarovsk in the far East. Now the state television Degtjarjow in factories, schools, hospitals, in conversation with a Moscow Minister. To do this, the 39-year-old giant of a man with a deep, slow promises voice improvements for the Region, and says he wants to give "every Investor," his mobile number.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

What to Khabarovsk abruptly to the top of the news catapulted, learns the state of the television audience: In the city with well-616.000 inhabitants on the border to China since the 11th century. July continuously for a short time before arrested and flown the previous Governor Sergey Furgal has demonstrated. On Saturday, tens of thousands were on the move again, the third Saturday in a row should be established a record as the largest Demonstration in the history of the city. The information move between 6500 participants, the authorities included, and 95,000 who wants to have identified a Medium of the protesters; the truth is likely to lie in between.

Date Of Update: 26 July 2020, 19:19