Racism debate in America: Pentagon bans Confederate battle flag

The American Ministry of defence wants to abolish against the will of President Donald Trump the flying of the Confederate flag in military institutions. With a

Racism debate in America: Pentagon bans Confederate battle flag

The American Ministry of defence wants to abolish against the will of President Donald Trump the flying of the Confederate flag in military institutions. With a carefully worded statement, in which the word "ban" can be avoided, should be avoided open opposition to Trump, declared to be responsible people, the AP news Agency to a Memo, the Minister of defense Mark Esper, signed on Thursday.

In the Memo lists all of the types of flags that may be shown in military facilities. The Confederate flag, especially for African Americans a Symbol of slavery and oppression – is not included in this list. She is no longer allowed, with an Express prohibition is not formulated.

"We must always remain focused on what unites us, to defend our sworn oath to the Constitution and our common duty is to the Nation," says Esper Memo. "The flags we show, must be in Accordance with the military Offered to good order and discipline, to treat all our people with Dignity and respect, and gap symbols to reject."

Trump has defended the flying of the Confederate flag and it is rejected, according to the southern officers named vertices to rename. Since the death of George Floyd's by a white police officer in may, Confederate monuments, and other symbols have become in a number of cities to be focal points of anti-racist protests.

Date Of Update: 17 July 2020, 15:19