The science upside down – What is the worth of alternative medicine ?

alternative Medicine Innovative and effective alternative medicine ? Therapies. 86 % of French people have a good or very good image of alternative medicine

The science upside down – What is the worth of alternative medicine ?

alternative Medicine

Innovative and effective alternative medicine ?

Therapies. 86 % of French people have a good or very good image of alternative medicine. This is the result of the latest survey by Harris Interactive for Santéclair*. Among the specialities listed : acupuncture (practiced for thousands of years in Asia), dietetics (Hippocrates touting five centuries before our era) as well as homeopathy (invented by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796). The alternative medicines are also considered to be largely effective to cure the small aches and pains (36 %) and as complementary to traditional medicine (35 ...

Date Of Update: 23 December 2019, 09:39