A spokesperson for the RN says he is in favor of the dissolution of the GUD

Should Groupe Union Défense, better known as GUD, be dissolved? In any case, this is the request expressed by the association SOS Racisme to the Ministry of the Interior at the end of April

A spokesperson for the RN says he is in favor of the dissolution of the GUD

Should Groupe Union Défense, better known as GUD, be dissolved? In any case, this is the request expressed by the association SOS Racisme to the Ministry of the Interior at the end of April. The far-right organization, born in Parisian student circles at Assas University in 1968, split into several small groups, in turn dissolved, before being reactivated in 2022. Except that several of its former members , including its ex-president Frédéric Chatillon, are now in the ranks of the National Rally. An embarrassing legacy for the party.

But Thomas Ménagé, spokesman for the RN in the Assembly, questioned on France 2 on the dissolution of the GUD, did not hesitate: "Given what it represents, probably, it must be dissolved and it does not has nothing to do in our country since it calls for violent acts and behaviors that are not in line with what we wear at the National Rally, "he said in Télématin Monday, May 22.

"You know, the GUD, for the record, it was created in particular in reaction to the National Front," said Thomas Ménagé, recalling the organization's taking sides against Jean-Marie Le Pen when he called that the fight "is done at the ballot box, through democracy".

But what about the RN's collaboration with Frédéric Chatillon, whose communications company e-Politic is still a party service provider? "Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella indicated that, if these links were proven, confirmed, decisions would be made on the part of the RN", recalled Thomas Ménagé, before counter-attacking: "What I would like is is that the set of minority shareholders of all the service providers of other political parties can be scrutinized as much as those of the RN. But we are unambiguous. »