A crucial day for the government. Elisabeth Borne presents Wednesday, on the occasion of the Council of Ministers, the roadmap of the “hundred days” announced on April 17 by Emmanuel Macron to relaunch his five-year term after the chaotic adoption of the pension reform. The Prime Minister will present the government program, then speak at a press briefing at the end of the Council of Ministers scheduled for Wednesday morning at the Élysée Palace. She will then be, Thursday from 7:30 a.m., invited by the 4 truths of France 2.

On April 17, during his address to the French, Emmanuel Macron gave himself “a hundred days of calm” and “action” to try to get out of the sequence of retreats, instructing Elisabeth Borne to present the main lines , with a “first assessment” on “July 14”. But the unknown remains on the capacity of the executive to have sensitive texts adopted in the Assembly, for lack of an absolute majority.

The President of the Republic cited three “priority projects”: work, “justice and republican and democratic order”, and public service, including school and health. He has, since his speech, sketched out a few leads.

On the labor side, he recently mentioned a text of law transposing “very quickly” the national interprofessional agreement on the “sharing of value” in business, concluded between employers’ organizations and trade unions. He also cited a project “on France Travail [transformation de Pôle Emploi, NDLR] and on vocational high schools, on which we must move forward by the summer”.

On the immigration side, Emmanuel Macron clarified his views in an interview with readers of Le Parisien, advocating “a single text” to “toughen our rules” on deportation while improving integration. Thus ruling out the hypothesis of a project divided into several texts to facilitate its adoption, as he himself had mentioned a month ago.

But “I can’t tell you what the way will be. We must build a political majority, “he said, when asked about the possibility of adoption at 49.3, after his Prime Minister declared that he no longer wanted to use it, apart from financial texts.

“The President of the Republic is reforming and will continue to reform,” government spokesman Olivier Véran assured LCI on Monday evening, as Emmanuel Macron celebrated the first anniversary of his re-election on Monday.

“There have been advances for the French that have been substantial for six years beyond the pension reform, which everyone understands is a moment of tension in this ten-year mandate that the French have entrusted to the president”, argued Olivier Véran.

“We are going all over the national territory and we will continue to do so”, also said the spokesperson, while several ministerial trips were heckled by opponents of the pension reform, like the president himself during a trip to Alsace.