Many don't think there is enough Black representation in politics and corporate America.

Most Americans agree that there is still much to be done in terms of Black representation and influence in the U.S. Americans don't believe Black Americans are represented in enough areas, such as in politics and corporate America.

Many don't think there is enough Black representation in politics and corporate America.

These ideas are not shared by all races and parties. A large majority of Black people believe there isn't enough representation in the following areas: "business and Corporate America", "political leadership", and "police, law enforcement." Only half of Whites agree in each area. Republicans tend to believe that Black people have the right level of influence and representation.

In popular culture, entertainment, and sports, representation is less important. About half of the country, four out of 10 Blacks, believes there is enough Black representation and influence.

Similar divisions can be seen when it comes down to Supreme Court representation. Nine out of 10 Blacks believe it is important for the Supreme Court to reflect the diversity within the country. It's extremely important for most people. It's vital to 7/10 White people, and only 4/10 White people.
White people are divided along party lines on this issue, and more broadly about Black representation. White Democrats tend to have similar views to Black people, sometimes even slightly overtaking their support for diversity. However, White Republicans differ significantly. Seven out of 10 White Democrats believe it's important that the Court reflect the country's diversity. Half of White Republicans disagree.