Summer tour: New technologies and miracle cures: Green leader Ricarda Lang is looking for help for green climate policy in Norway

Most of the people that Ricarda Lang gets on this ferry with wear outdoor jackets, they buy their first beer or soft ice cream in the afternoon and enjoy the sun.

Summer tour: New technologies and miracle cures: Green leader Ricarda Lang is looking for help for green climate policy in Norway

Most of the people that Ricarda Lang gets on this ferry with wear outdoor jackets, they buy their first beer or soft ice cream in the afternoon and enjoy the sun. They are on their way to vacation, want to discover fjords, photograph red houses with white windows and look for trolls. The Greens leader, on the other hand, will stand in front of huge concrete factories and sit in unrepresentative office buildings with paper cups of coffee and PowerPoint presentations.

The natural paradise of Norway is somehow different. Nevertheless, Lang will get to know a technology here that many Norwegians consider to be heavenly.

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