Astronomy Lunar calendar April 2023: phases of the moon this month

We are entering the month of April 2023 with spring already between us and Easter, which will arrive at the beginning of the month

Astronomy Lunar calendar April 2023: phases of the moon this month

We are entering the month of April 2023 with spring already between us and Easter, which will arrive at the beginning of the month. A festivity marked with the lunar calendar as its dates depend on the phases of the moon.

The first full moon of spring determines the date of Holy Week. The rule is that Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring. In the case of this year, as the first full moon takes place on April 6, Easter Sunday will be on the 9th.

The rain of stars from the Lyrids will also be important this April, as reported by Rafael Bachiller. This meteor shower will reach its maximum activity around April 22, almost without the Moon, since the new moon will have taken place on the 20th.

As reported by the National Geographic Institute (IGN), the phases of the moon for this April 2023 will begin with the full moon.

During the course of a month the Moon orbits the Earth once, each cycle passing through four main phases:

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