Baden-Württemberg: Shrove Monday attracts with traditional highlights

Rottweil/Schramberg (dpa/lsw) - With many colorful parades and parties, the Swabian-Alemannic carnival is heading towards its climax on Shrove Monday.

Baden-Württemberg: Shrove Monday attracts with traditional highlights

Rottweil/Schramberg (dpa/lsw) - With many colorful parades and parties, the Swabian-Alemannic carnival is heading towards its climax on Shrove Monday. Thousands of fools are expected in Rottweil today for the fool's jump. About 4000 Hästräger hop and dance through the oldest town in Baden-Württemberg and perform wild jumps with their poles. According to the city, around 15,000 spectators regularly follow the hustle and bustle - even when it rains. According to meteorologists, the weather should hold up.

Fools who still like it wet come together at midday (1.00 p.m.) in Schramberg (Rottweil district): On the "Da-Bach-na-Fahrt" (Da-Bach-na-Fahrt) they drive down the Schiltach in colorfully decorated wooden tubs. Dozens of teams have to overcome specially built wooden slides in the river while staying as dry as possible. Otherwise they face disgrace and the so-called Soaking Wet Order. The tradition attracts thousands of visitors to the Black Forest town every year.