Baden-Württemberg: Sick leave after carnival in Baden-Württemberg doubled

Full waiting rooms and many sick leave: After the fifth season, infectious diseases are on the rise again in Baden-Württemberg.

Baden-Württemberg: Sick leave after carnival in Baden-Württemberg doubled

Full waiting rooms and many sick leave: After the fifth season, infectious diseases are on the rise again in Baden-Württemberg. In the middle of next week, general practitioners expect the peak.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - After the carnival days, sick leave in Baden-Württemberg doubled. "We are noticing a significant increase in infectious diseases," said Lutz Weber, district chairman of the General Practitioners' Association. In addition to classic colds, this also includes the flu or corona.

Since the incubation period for respiratory diseases can be around five to seven days, Weber expects sick leave to increase by the middle of next week. According to the district chairman in southern Württemberg, the general practitioners are used to the fact that sick leave is higher in the two weeks after the carnival.

It looks similar in the Rhineland. After the carnival days, sickness rates skyrocketed here, too, as the general practitioners' association announced. The association reported twice as many sick leave as usual.