Baden-Württemberg: Unknown people throw eggs at the synagogue

Lörrach (dpa / lsw) - Unknown people threw two eggs at the facade of the Lörrach synagogue.

Baden-Württemberg: Unknown people throw eggs at the synagogue

Lörrach (dpa / lsw) - Unknown people threw two eggs at the facade of the Lörrach synagogue. An anti-Semitic background cannot be ruled out, said a police spokesman on Wednesday. The time of the crime was between Sunday evening and Wednesday morning. Surrounding buildings were not affected. At the beginning of November last year, unknown persons had also thrown two eggs at the synagogue, but the perpetrators could not be identified.

Nevertheless, there were egg throwings nationwide around Halloween night. In the Bodenseekreis district, for example, strangers are said to have thrown raw eggs at houses and caused property damage.