Bavaria: E-scooter driver caught twice on the same day while drugged

Marktoberdorf (dpa / lby) - Twice within a few hours the police in the Allgäu caught a 21-year-old with his e-scooter without a license plate and under drugs.

Bavaria: E-scooter driver caught twice on the same day while drugged

Marktoberdorf (dpa / lby) - Twice within a few hours the police in the Allgäu caught a 21-year-old with his e-scooter without a license plate and under drugs. As the police announced on Thursday, the officers first stopped and checked the driver in Marktoberdorf (Ostallgäu district) on Wednesday afternoon because of the missing license plate. When the check revealed that the man had taken drugs, the police searched his home. The officials gave him back the initially seized e-scooter.

Just under four hours after the first check, a patrol saw the 21-year-old ride his e-scooter again. According to the police, the man is now facing charges of violating compulsory insurance and driving under the influence of drugs.