Düzen and Tülin Tekkal: She spoke to child soldiers and rape victims. When she couldn't take it anymore, her sister came to the rescue

Düzen and Tülin Tekkal, you grew up in Hanover as children of Kurdish-Yazidi refugees – with nine siblings.

Düzen and Tülin Tekkal: She spoke to child soldiers and rape victims. When she couldn't take it anymore, her sister came to the rescue

Düzen and Tülin Tekkal, you grew up in Hanover as children of Kurdish-Yazidi refugees – with nine siblings. The roles of parents and siblings must have mixed up quite a bit, right?

Düzen: How far apart are we again, Tülin?

Tülin: How old are you now? 43?

Düzen: 43 and you?

Tülin: 30. So 13 years. With ten siblings, it can get confusing. But Düzen likes to point out that she changed my diaper earlier, right, Düzen?

Düzen: That was just the way it was, Tulin. I raised you with me.

Are you like a second mother, Düzen, who also tells Tülin to dress warmer?

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