Extremadura Two men arrested for retaining two women for prostitution in Badajoz are admitted to prison

Agents of the National Police, attached to the Provincial Immigration and Border Brigade of Badajoz, have arrested two men at the beginning of this month of August, who have entered prison, for their alleged authorship of a crime of trafficking in human beings for of sexual exploitation, specifically, for allegedly detaining two women for prostitution in the capital of Badajoz

Extremadura Two men arrested for retaining two women for prostitution in Badajoz are admitted to prison

Agents of the National Police, attached to the Provincial Immigration and Border Brigade of Badajoz, have arrested two men at the beginning of this month of August, who have entered prison, for their alleged authorship of a crime of trafficking in human beings for of sexual exploitation, specifically, for allegedly detaining two women for prostitution in the capital of Badajoz.

The facts were brought to the attention of the agents through a telephone call, in which an alleged witness stated the existence of two women held against their will in a house in this city, who were being prostituted.

These statements were corroborated by the statements of one of the victims, who recounted that they had offered him a certain amount of money to sell narcotic substances, and later, by refusing to do so, they had detained him in an apartment in Badajoz, annulling his will by supplying him with drugs. , and forcing him to have sexual relations, explains the National Police in a press release.

A similar situation was experienced by another young woman, a victim of these events, who finally also denounced and provided essential data for the optimal conclusion of this investigation.

On August 9, the alleged perpetrators of this crime of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation were arrested, two men of 36 and 37 years of age, with prior records, and who after the investigation of the relevant police report were made available of the judicial authority, which decreed the imprisonment of both.