Nouripour wants to make planned citizens' income "inflation-proof".

Citizens' income is to replace the previous Hartz IV system at the turn of the year.

Nouripour wants to make planned citizens' income "inflation-proof".

Citizens' income is to replace the previous Hartz IV system at the turn of the year. There is a dispute in the traffic light coalition about the exact calculation of the standard rates. On the question of how much higher the social benefit should be than now, Nouripour said that the proposal by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) "of an additional approximately 50 euros goes in the right direction".

Nouripour also announced that it would not negotiate citizen income individually, but as part of a relief package. The coalition will "have to bend over an overall package. We must not relieve the burden with the watering can, but we have to help in a targeted and socially staggered manner." The package should also include "acute measures such as a moratorium on gas and electricity cuts" for the coming winter.