Society The Government charges against the surrogacy of Ana Obregón: "It is a form of violence against women"

The case of Ana Obregón has revived the debate on surrogacy in Spain and has caused the question of what to do to be raised once again

Society The Government charges against the surrogacy of Ana Obregón: "It is a form of violence against women"

The case of Ana Obregón has revived the debate on surrogacy in Spain and has caused the question of what to do to be raised once again. The Government is very clear about its position and keeps slamming the door to regulate in favor of this type of practice: "It is a form of violence against women."

This has been underlined by the Ministers of Equality, Irene Montero, of Podemos, and of the Treasury, María Jesús Montero, of the PSOE, when asked in the corridor of Congress about the case of the actress, who at the age of 68 has become the mother of a girl by surrogacy in Miami.

In the United States it is a practice that is regulated, however, as Irene Montero has recalled, in Spain "it has not been legal" since 2006. In addition, the reform of the abortion law, approved a month ago, went a step further in this sense when including this practice as "a form of violence against women".

During the elaboration of this law within the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Equality came to write down that parents who went abroad to have babies through surrogacy would be prosecuted with prison terms. Even if it was signing contracts in countries where it is legal. However, the Ministry of Justice stopped him.

In this way, surrogacy remained as follows: prohibited by the 2006 law, but with the new abortion law, it is also considered "violence" and advertising by intermediary companies is prohibited.

"Never forget the women behind you, there is a clear discrimination bias due to poverty. Do not forget that it is a practice that is not legal in Spain, that it is recognized in our country as a form of violence against women" , Montero has sentenced.

"There is a clear discrimination bias due to poverty," added Montero, while the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, stressed that the body of women is "exploited."

"We do not agree and we have expressed it in our political programs," María Jesús Montero has had an impact.

On whether a child born by surrogacy in other countries can be prevented from living in Spain, he pointed out that at the beginning of the legislature some aspects related to registrations in the Civil Registry were modified to try to prevent such situations.

But he has specified that "each specific case must be analyzed in a concrete way" and that, therefore, it could not be "pronounced generically."

Also asked by the PSOE spokesman in Congress, Patxi López, has limited himself to saying that they are "against all these things", the same position that the president of the United Podemos parliamentary group, Enrique Santiago, has indicated.

"We are against pregnancies being commodified, that pregnancies can be sold and bought, and the use of a woman's body," he stated.

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