Thuringia: Corona incidence almost doubled within a week

Erfurt (dpa/th) - After a rather low level for weeks, the corona incidence in Thuringia almost doubled within a week.

Thuringia: Corona incidence almost doubled within a week

Erfurt (dpa/th) - After a rather low level for weeks, the corona incidence in Thuringia almost doubled within a week. The State Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute gave the number of officially recorded weekly infections per 100,000 inhabitants on Thursday at around 673. A week ago, the value was still 356. In some counties, the incidence is well above the national average. Since the numbers only include infections detected by means of a PCR test, but not the cases detected by an antigen test, it can be assumed that the number is actually higher. Health Minister Heike Werner (left) called on the population to wear masks indoors voluntarily in view of the development.