Thuringia: KVT calls for waiver of unnecessary certificates

Weimar (dpa/th) - In view of the tense situation in pediatric practices, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Thuringia (KVT) is calling for unnecessary medical certificates to be dispensed with.

Thuringia: KVT calls for waiver of unnecessary certificates

Weimar (dpa/th) - In view of the tense situation in pediatric practices, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Thuringia (KVT) is calling for unnecessary medical certificates to be dispensed with. According to the KVT, kindergartens and schools are increasingly demanding health certificates after an illness has been overcome. However, there is no legal basis for this in the case of flu infections. Sick leave for children in schools and kindergartens is also being requested more and more often. As a rule, however, these are only available for trainee vocational students.

"Paediatricians are experiencing an unprecedented rush. They report up to three times the number of patients than usual," said the KVT on Tuesday. Therefore, one appeals to all citizens to refrain from unnecessary certificates "so that the doctors can concentrate on the treatment of the patients".