United States: Utah encourages its inhabitants to eat bullfrogs

Would the best way to control an invasive species be to eat it? Here's the recommendation from the Utah Department of Natural Resources, USA, which used National Invasive Species Awareness Week to shed some light on the bullfrog

United States: Utah encourages its inhabitants to eat bullfrogs

Would the best way to control an invasive species be to eat it? Here's the recommendation from the Utah Department of Natural Resources, USA, which used National Invasive Species Awareness Week to shed some light on the bullfrog. On February 23, on social networks, this authority responsible for regulating the fauna and flora of the State invited the inhabitants to "catch as many as they want", reports BFMTV, because "they are tasty".

This invasive species is also present on French territory. It was imported from America "voluntarily" in 1968, according to the Invasive Alien Species Resource Center website. These frogs were placed in an ornamental pond in Gironde, but were also introduced in Sologne. They were only discovered there in 2002. Bullfrogs have been classified as invasive alien species in France, along with raccoons, gray squirrels and catfish.