Visit to the Brandenburg Gate: Felipe and Letizia are standing in the rain

Upon the arrival of the Spanish King Felipe VI.

Visit to the Brandenburg Gate: Felipe and Letizia are standing in the rain

Upon the arrival of the Spanish King Felipe VI. and his wife Letizia on Monday in Germany the weather is still picture perfect. But the second day of the visit literally falls through. Nevertheless, the couple cannot be deterred from a detour to the Brandenburg Gate.

The Spanish royal couple Felipe VI. and Letizia also visited the Brandenburg Gate in the pouring rain before leaving Berlin. With black umbrellas in hand, the royal guests appeared on the second day of their state visit to Germany in front of dozens of onlookers on Pariser Platz.

They were accompanied by Berlin's Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey, who had previously welcomed Felipe and Letizia in the Red City Hall. Together they walked through the gate, smiling and chatting. Letizia - in a pink, calf-length dress with a beige coat draped casually over it - and Felipe, who wore a black jacket over the suit, waved to the onlookers.

At noon, the king and queen traveled on to Frankfurt am Main. They were received at the airport there by Hesse's Prime Minister Boris Rhein. In the evening, the royal couple wanted to open the 74th Frankfurt Book Fair, where Spain is the guest of honor this year. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender are also expected to attend the event.

Steinmeier and his wife had already welcomed the royal couple to Bellevue Palace at the start of their three-day state visit on Monday. With a rain-free sky, the temperatures in the capital were almost summerlike. In addition, the German Federal President and the Spanish monarch jointly opened the German-Spanish Forum, which is under their patronage.

King Felipe and Steinmeier emphasized that they wanted to further deepen the already good relations between Spain and Germany. In the afternoon, the King also met Chancellor Olaf Scholz for an exchange of views.

Felipe and Letizia last visited Germany in December 2014. The Federal President and his wife were in Spain in October 2018.