Headlines Today's News, Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Headlines Today's News, Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1. Feijóo leaves the decision on the incorporation of Villacís in the hands of Ayuso

The national PP opens the doors to Begoña Villacís, but the Madrid PP closes them. Who will settle that dilemma? Despite how presidential that party is, Isabel Díaz Ayuso will have the last word, and not Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

2. How to distinguish real anxiety from false anxiety: "Genetics load the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger"

Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, sleep, ultraconnection... More and more experts maintain that our stress does not have a brain origin, but rather responds to the unbearable modern life. "In the pandemic we did a scientific experiment with our lives in real time," says Ellen Vora, who uncovers the secrets of anxiety in her new book.

3. The CEOE plant the Government again and will not attend the meeting to set the Minimum Wage this Tuesday

The CEOE will plant the Ministry of Labor again this Tuesday and will not attend the meeting called by Yolanda Díaz to set the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) for 2023 in a tripartite dialogue also with the unions.

4. Violence or intimidation in sexual assaults returns to the fore with the reform of the 'yes is yes' law

Three months after the entry into force of the Organic Law for the Guarantee of Sexual Freedom, the Government has assumed through reductions and releases that it must be reformed so that the softer sentences for this type of aggression are not perpetuated.

5. Does the change in the INE methodology with the CPI benefit the Government? Alert for data distortion

The INE announced this Monday that from this month of January it will include in the CPI the evolution of the prices of electricity and gas in the free market, which until now were not tracked.

6. Blow by salmonellosis to Casa Dani: the family business that invoices four million a year in tortillas

"I have already lost seven kilos in three days, I have not been able to go to work and they have been about to admit me," laments one of those affected.

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