Reusing old tires: Why retreaded tires are more sustainable than new ones

Retreaded tires have almost disappeared from German roads.

Reusing old tires: Why retreaded tires are more sustainable than new ones

Retreaded tires have almost disappeared from German roads. Only around one percent of all car drivers still rely on used tires with a new profile, although that would be the significantly more sustainable alternative: In Germany alone, almost 60 million used tires are accumulated every year. Only about half of the used tires are processed into rubber granulate, for example, which is used in sports parks as artificial turf and running tracks or mixed for insulating mats.

In the case of retreading, on the other hand, a large part of the carcass is reused, and the consumption of valuable raw materials such as rubber or steel is significantly lower. For example, you save around 50 kilograms of material on a heavy truck tire. In addition, according to their own statements, retreaders use 80 percent less water than in the manufacture of new tires, 70 percent less crude oil and a total of 50 percent less energy.

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