Baccalaureate success rate down slightly compared to 2022

Some 672,400 candidates were accepted for the 2023 baccalaureate after the remedial session, i

Baccalaureate success rate down slightly compared to 2022

Some 672,400 candidates were accepted for the 2023 baccalaureate after the remedial session, i.e. a success rate of 90.9%, down 0.2 points compared to June 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Saturday July 8. National Education.

After three sessions disrupted by Covid-19, this edition of the baccalaureate was held for the first time in accordance with the 2019 reform. It resulted in a general baccalaureate success rate of 95.7% (−0.4 points per compared to 2022), a success rate for the technological baccalaureate of 89.8% (−0.8 points) and a success rate for the professional baccalaureate of 82.7% (0.3 points), detailed the ministry in a communicated.

The percentage of high school graduates in a generation is 79.3%. "The drop in results observed confirms the selectivity of this new baccalaureate," the ministry said. A few days ago, when the results were published before the catch-up session, Minister Pap Ndiaye had mentioned "a slight slowdown" for the second consecutive year. "We say: 'We give the baccalaureate to everyone', it's not that true," he commented.

For the session that has just ended, more than half of the candidates (57.1%) graduate with honors, said the direction of the evaluation of the prospective and performance (DEPP) of education national. This corresponds to a decrease of 1.7 points compared to June 2022.

The youngest candidate was 12 years old, and the oldest was 76

The success rates for the baccalaureate at the Rennes Academy are among the highest in the three paths, highlights the DEPP. The lowest success rate is that of Mayotte (71.7%). In the professional path, the academies of Bordeaux, Besançon, Toulouse, Poitiers, Grenoble, Nantes and Rennes stand out, with success rates of more than 85%.

Since the 2019 reform, the baccalaureate mark must be based 40% on continuous assessment and 60% on final tests. The years 2021 and 2020, marked by the Covid-19 epidemic, had seen the baccalaureate achieve unprecedented success rates, with 93.8% and 95.7% respectively. The 2022 session had recorded a decline, to 91.1%.

The success rate for the 2023 baccalaureate is nevertheless higher than that of the years 2019 (88.1%), 2018 (88.3%) and 2017 (87.9%).

This year, the youngest candidate was 12 years old (general and technological baccalaureate, in the academy of Versailles), and the oldest was 76 years old (general and technological baccalaureate, in the academy of Bordeaux).