Survey on drug affinity: Smoking among young people less and less popular

Smoking, according to a study in adolescents and young adults in Germany, is increasingly unpopular. Among the 12 - to 17-Year-olds, 5.6 percent admitted to Smo

Survey on drug affinity: Smoking among young people less and less popular

Smoking, according to a study in adolescents and young adults in Germany, is increasingly unpopular. Among the 12 - to 17-Year-olds, 5.6 percent admitted to Smoking regularly or occasionally, such as the Federal centre for health education (BZgA) announced on Wednesday, according to survey data from the past year. The numbers were so low as never since the beginning of the survey series in the 1970s. Among 18 - to 25-Year-olds, 21.2 percent are still Smoking and also the previous low in the study.

The Federal drug Commissioner Daniela Ludwig (CSU) said that the positive Figures are a result of decades, is a well-made prevention work. This effect must also be in the case of Cannabis reached. According to the study, this has been tried, 10.4 percent of 12 - to 17-Year - olds and 46.4 percent of 18-to 25-Year-olds ever.

The head of the BZgA, Heidrun Thaiss, said: "Cannabis is by far the most consumed illegal substance." This is of particular concern, since the consumption in adolescence is associated with special risks for growing organism.

With a view of the Smoking Thaiss said, the development of E-products and water pipes to be carefully observed is to be reported even if currently there is no further consumption increases are. Of concern is that too many young people drink to intoxication of alcohol.

For the study, were interviewed reported to be 7000 people at the age of 12 to 25 years, from April to June 2019. The survey range for the drug affinity is made since 1973 in regular intervals.

Date Of Update: 01 July 2020, 09:20