If the force remains: How to recognize a persistent grief disorder

Grief is a normal reaction to the loss of a loved one and is not an illness.

If the force remains: How to recognize a persistent grief disorder

Grief is a normal reaction to the loss of a loved one and is not an illness. But it can develop into one. But when does one speak of a persistent grief disorder?

Mourning is never complete when you lose a loved one. But as time goes on, it pushes itself more and more into the background. And thus creates space for everyday life, for joy, for something new. But it is also normal for the pain to flare up again in a few moments, even years later. For example on the anniversary of death, on birthdays, but maybe also on an ordinary Wednesday afternoon.

For some of the mourners, however, the grief retains its force. Then it may be that a persistent grief disorder has developed. The boundary between a normal grief reaction and this illness is fluid.

"A persistent grieving disorder consists of symptoms that occur in very acute grief, but which do not improve over time. We're talking about six to twelve months here," says Prof. Rita Rosner from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. The holder of the Chair of Clinical and Biological Psychology researches persistent grief disorders.

According to Rosner, a sign of this can be that the grief severely restricts those affected in their everyday life even after this time, for example they cannot work or go to school. The likelihood of contracting it is increased if the loss was sudden and unexpected. And if they were close relatives such as a partner or child. In addition, a lack of social support after the loss can be a reinforcing factor, according to the psychotherapist.

In 2019, the World Health Organization decided to recognize the persistent grieving disorder as a disease, i.e. to include it in the International Catalog of Classified Diseases (ICD). Thus, intense emotional pain is an important feature. It can take different forms: sadness, anger, guilt, extreme longing or even emotional numbness. "But it can also be the case that mourners develop other disorders, such as depression or anxiety disorders," says Rosner.

Rosner advises anyone who notices these signs to consult a psychological psychotherapist. "Since the waiting times in Germany are currently more than five months, it can also make sense to visit self-help groups or accept special counseling offers before the appointment."

According to Roser, the fact that the grieving disorder is now classified as an illness has the advantage that those affected can get help earlier and better. Many people with persistent grieving disorder have been misdiagnosed in the past. "So it often happened that they were treated with antidepressants or various tranquilizers. Today we know that such pharmacological treatment is rarely helpful."