In financial distress through no fault of your own: Those affected can find help here

If you find yourself in financial distress through no fault of your own, you don't have to bury your head in the sand.

In financial distress through no fault of your own: Those affected can find help here

If you find yourself in financial distress through no fault of your own, you don't have to bury your head in the sand. There is help - for example from parishes, charities and foundations.

From now on, nothing will be the same again: A traffic accident or a sudden illness can throw people off track unexpectedly. Last but not least, this can also be a financial disaster for those affected and their families. It often happens that they cannot get the emergency situation under control with their own resources and state benefits. Then it's good to know: There are other support options.

In many emergencies, for example, local parishes help. "In such cases, many of them cooperate with charities - such as Caritas or Diakonie, which can often apply for funds from foundations," says Christoph Zerhusen from the consumer advice center in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Other contact points for private individuals who are in financial distress through no fault of their own can be debt counseling centers. "Some of them give tips on which foundations offer support," says Zerhusen.

By the way, help is also available if people can no longer pay their energy bills, for example. "In some cities, such as Berlin or Hamburg, there will probably soon be a hardship fund for such cases," said the consumer advocate. He advises private individuals to inquire about comparable offers in their city. This can be done on the Internet with the search terms "energy bill", "hardship fund" and the name of the respective city.

There is no overview of how many foundations in Germany help people who are in need through no fault of their own. "The foundations don't tell us which programs they launch," explains a spokeswoman for the Association of German Foundations. In order to find concrete foundations that are active in this field, those affected can use the foundation search on the website of the federal association. "It is best to enter the keyword 'individual help'," said the spokeswoman.

Below are examples of five foundations that help people in need through no fault of their own:

- Hans-Rosenthal-Foundation: The foundation has set itself the goal of helping people quickly and unbureaucratically after strokes of fate and accidents, and thus either eliminating or at least alleviating an acute emergency.

Regarding the requirements: those affected cannot overcome their neediness through their own efforts and financial help from other sources is not to be expected in the near future. Whether and to what extent the foundation helps is decided by the board of directors and the board of trustees.

- Ernst Prost Foundation: Anyone who needs financial help as a private individual must contact an aid organization of their choice. This organization then submits an application for support to the Ernst Prost Foundation on behalf of the private individual.

In addition to Caritas and Diakonie, the organizations that can submit applications include the Red Cross, Lebenshilfe, your own church community, mobile homes for people with disabilities or other non-profit social services.

- ADAC Foundation: Anyone who is physically or mentally handicapped as a result of an accident can turn to the ADAC Foundation. The aim of individual case assistance is to support needy accident victims so that they remain mobile or become mobile again.

The foundation grants subsidies, for example, for the conversion of the home or car to make it suitable for the disabled, the purchase of wheelchairs or for the implementation of specific rehabilitation treatments. The foundation's advisory team will also help with lots of tips.

- Franz-Beckenbauer-Foundation: The foundation supports people with disabilities and people who are ill or in need through no fault of their own. She provides help in different situations: This can be therapies, life-saving surgeries for children, but also energy and living costs.

The foundation not only provides financial support, but also advises those affected. According to her own statements, she helps quickly and unbureaucratically. The Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees decide on the allocation of aid.

- Otto and Lonny Bayer Foundation: The foundation primarily supports needy individuals and families. She also supports charities. The grants are intended to offer help for self-help and lead permanently out of the problem situation.

The foundation grants assistance only upon submission of a meaningful social report written by a welfare association. Under certain circumstances, it helps with rent and energy debts and supports people in NRW, Bremen, Berlin and the new federal states.