New military service-model: The Bundeswehr is seeking Volunteers for the home guard

The Bundeswehr wants to offer young German voluntary service in the armed forces, and more personnel for the security and protection of property gain. Under the

New military service-model: The Bundeswehr is seeking Volunteers for the home guard

The Bundeswehr wants to offer young German voluntary service in the armed forces, and more personnel for the security and protection of property gain. Under the name of "Your year for Germany" should be 1000 young men and women from 17 years of age for voluntary military service in the home guard won. The concept, the defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer on Thursday, together with the parliamentary state Secretary Peter Tauber (both CDU) and the Deputy inspector-General, Lieutenant General Markus foliage contained, presented, initially provides for a three-month basic military training, then a further special training of a total of four months.

Peter Carstens

Political correspondent in Berlin

F. A. Z.

After that, the young people for a total of six years would be associated with the so-called "Territorial reserve structure" and is intended to be used in this time a total of five more months in the framework of the armed forces base. Use in other branches of the armed forces – army, air force, Navy – is not initially provided. A change, however, is explicitly possible if the German army succeeds to the interest of the voluntarily Serving for this.

In contrast to the already offered voluntary military service (FWD), which lasts from seven to 23 months, are to be used for home protection volunteers in the vicinity of their places of residence and, above all, not for foreign uses are used. The projects offer, the Ministry of defence, "a lucrative opportunity to provide a voluntary service for the society". This is an allusion to the payment in the amount of 1550 Euro gross on a monthly basis, which could be just as attractive as the possibility to follow the Motto "home is a sense of life" (Tauber) is.

The reservists Association welcomed the concept and said that now it was important, "to discuss further possibilities of a company's service wide". The FDP-defense politician Alexander Müller said: "Mrs Kramp-Karrenbauer wanted to duty, the re-introduction of the military, and failed at the reality. But the concept for a more attractive voluntary year in the army, with a particular focus on civil protection, can open the Bundeswehr for young people who want to make a contribution to the society. We will accompany honored.“

The SPD-defense politician Fritz Felgentreu called it "great," when young people were serving voluntarily in the armed forces. He added: consideration of duty services like to keep track of legitimate concerns: "But as long as more young people voluntarily give their contribution, than ever can be used, this is a false debate." The Left said: "military training is based on obedience, and the service of the gun have nothing to do with the voluntary service and it must remain so."

Date Of Update: 23 July 2020, 18:20