United States: New charges against Wikileaks founder Assange

The American judiciary has issued a new indictment against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The justice Department in Washington said, against the 48-Year-old

United States: New charges against Wikileaks founder Assange

The American judiciary has issued a new indictment against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The justice Department in Washington said, against the 48-Year-old will assume a wider conspiracy in the Hacking of computers than in the past. Therefore, Assange and other "people would have recruited" to hack into networks, to Wikileaks this. However, it would be added to the 18 charges against Assange no further.

The justice accuses Assange, the Whistleblower Chelsea Manning helped secret Material from the American military operations in Iraq and to publish in Afghanistan. The judiciary is supposed to be set Ministry according to which, in particular, the safety of informants on the game. In the case of a conviction in all 18 charges of up to 175 years in prison Assange. Assange denies the allegations. The Wikileaks revelations had led to the uncovering of war crimes by American soldiers.

Assange had fled out of fear of extradition to the United States in 2012 in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. At that time, a European arrest warrant was against him because of rape allegations in Sweden. The investigations were, however, discontinued later on. The British police arrested Assange in April 2019, because he had failed with the flight in the message against bail conditions. He was sentenced to one year in prison.

Date Of Update: 25 June 2020, 04:19