Baden-Württemberg: Drought and low water: Kretschmann on a climate change tour

Murr (dpa / lsw) - Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) sees droughts in the future as major challenges for agriculture.

Baden-Württemberg: Drought and low water: Kretschmann on a climate change tour

Murr (dpa / lsw) - Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) sees droughts in the future as major challenges for agriculture. Kretschmann said on Wednesday in Murr (Ludwigsburg district) during a farm visit: "The enormous drought is stressing plants and animals. Soil and water are suffering." In order to support the farmers in adapting to the changed climatic conditions, the green-black state government is relying on an "Agricultural Strategy Dialogue". The kick-off event is planned for September 23rd.

According to the State Ministry, 40 percent of the area in the southwest is still used for agriculture, but more and more small farms are giving up. The small farm structures should be preserved.

Kretschmann visits several stations on Wednesday, he also deals with the topics of urban planning and forest management in the context of climate change.