Baden-Württemberg: SPD parliamentary group celebrates 70th birthday with the President of the Bundestag

The CDU parliamentary group recently celebrated its 70th birthday with a big party in the state parliament.

Baden-Württemberg: SPD parliamentary group celebrates 70th birthday with the President of the Bundestag

The CDU parliamentary group recently celebrated its 70th birthday with a big party in the state parliament. Now it's the SPD's turn, which had to sit in opposition most of the time. After all, the President of the Bundestag is coming to the anniversary.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - A good month after the CDU parliamentary group, the SPD is now also celebrating its 70th birthday in the state parliament. The star guest this Wednesday evening (6 p.m.) is Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD), who will also give the speech. She will probably also remind you that the SPD has been represented in parliament without interruption since the founding of Baden-Württemberg. The Social Democrats sat on the opposition benches for 50 of the 70 years, which of course didn't sit well with them. Most recently, the SPD governed together with the Greens of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann between 2011 and 2016. SPD federal leader Saskia Esken is also expected on Wednesday evening.