Bavaria: Greens affirm government claim in Bavaria

Landshut (dpa / lby) - The Greens reaffirmed their claim to government in Bavaria during their political Ash Wednesday.

Bavaria: Greens affirm government claim in Bavaria

Landshut (dpa / lby) - The Greens reaffirmed their claim to government in Bavaria during their political Ash Wednesday. The aim of the Bavarian state elections on October 8 is "that nobody can rule past us," said top candidate Katharina Schulze in Landshut. The new state government "has to be green".

She accused the incumbent Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) of inaction on important issues such as energy policy and environmental protection: "Has he actually ever picked up anything besides his selfie camera?" Schulze asked, describing Söder's strategy as follows: "So much hot air to make sure nobody realizes what kind of inflated balloon he actually is." She said: "Söder stands for self-important, styleless and shameless."

She called his deputy, Bavaria's Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (free voters), a "political proletarian". The Greens parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament emphasized: "This is not how you run our beautiful country."