Bavaria: Kita-Facharbeiter-Verband: Do not implement quality waivers

Munich (dpa / lby) - The association of daycare professionals in Bavaria has sharply criticized the new line of the Ministry of Social Affairs of deliberately forgoing quality education in children's facilities.

Bavaria: Kita-Facharbeiter-Verband: Do not implement quality waivers

Munich (dpa / lby) - The association of daycare professionals in Bavaria has sharply criticized the new line of the Ministry of Social Affairs of deliberately forgoing quality education in children's facilities. The association appealed to all daycare providers not to implement the innovations.

Social Affairs Minister Ulrike Scharf (CSU) had announced that she would deliberately make cutbacks in the education of small children due to the shortage of skilled workers. In the current kindergarten year, for example, children up to the age of four can also be cared for by untrained staff in so-called entry groups.

"We are convinced that the changes now endanger the well-being of the child, the duty of supervision and the right to education even more," says the association's statement. "Parents now knowingly have to accept that their children spend a lot of time during their most important and extremely sensitive development phase in facilities that cannot ensure sufficient quality," the association continues to criticize. The government's focus seems to be on enabling parents to work at all costs.