Chicago Shooting Orphans Fundraiser raises more than $2.8 Million

A remarkable outpouring in solidarity.

Chicago Shooting Orphans Fundraiser raises more than $2.8 Million

A remarkable outpouring in solidarity. According to the website, a fundraiser was launched online to support a 2-year old child whose parents were killed in Monday's shooting near Chicago. It raised $2.8 million by Wednesday.

Kevin McCarthy, 37 and 35, were at the Fourth of July Parade in Highland Park, when a sniper struck from the roof of a building. Residents rushed to aiden, bringing him to safety. They also launched a search warrant to locate his family members. His grandparents later took him to safety and confirmed that his parents were among those who had been killed.

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Robert Crimo (21 years old) opened fire on the crowd using a semi-automatic gun. He also injured more than 30 others. After a long run, Crimo was arrested Monday and charged with murder. He faces life imprisonment

The goal of the GoFundMe kitty, created Tuesday via the participatory site GoFundMe, was set at 500,000 dollars. It surpassed 2.8 million dollars in donations by 53,000 donors on Thursday morning.

According to the site, one of them is William Ackman, a billionaire philanthropist who donated $18,000. He had posted on Twitter on the day of tragedy his condemnation of the inaction of authorities in the face the shootings. On Tuesday, he retweeted the photo of the little boy.

Irini Colon, fundraiser organizer wrote that Aiden will be taken care of by his loving family. He will still have a lot to do to heal, find stability, and live as an orphan. The child's family has given their approval.