High mountains. La Grave has a photo exhibition at 2,458 metres.

Are you aware of photo exhibitions that require you to climb 600m in elevation? Vertical Flow, alias Florent Perdrini, offers this in La Grave's Goleon valley.

High mountains. La Grave has a photo exhibition at 2,458 metres.

Are you aware of photo exhibitions that require you to climb 600m in elevation? Vertical Flow, alias Florent Perdrini, offers this in La Grave's Goleon valley. Are you aware of photo exhibitions that require you to climb 600m in altitude?

Florent Pedrini is a mountaineer, climber, and ice climber. He has been living in Pelvoux recently, and is fascinated at the high mountains, where man is rare. It was designed to provide a photo trail between the Lac du Goleon, the refuge of same name and Meije on a unique territory between Meije et Aiguilles d'Arves. This route can only be accessed by hiking.

After a portage on men's backs, the exhibition is now at altitude. It is located in the hollow of valley, near the beginning of the path that leads to the lake.

Vertical Flow's photographs take you to the top of the highest peaks, enhancing harmony between man-nature. The exhibition is free. This outdoor hanging can be accessed from the Valfroide parking lot, just above La Grave.

Lucile and Myrtille are the guardians of Goleon refuge. It is important for them to give hikers something new every year. Since 2005, we have welcomed hikers, fishermen, and mountaineers into the wild Goleon Valley. We are proud of our beautiful setting and easy access. This has made us a favorite destination for families who love to discover. We try to offer new products every year to keep the positive energy going.

They feel that developing something beyond accommodation and catering is important and adds "another dimension to their profession" and allows them to share beautiful moments with artists through shared projects. This project was created specifically for the Goleon Valley and fits in perfectly with the surroundings.