Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Minister: Education important to cover care needs

Schwerin (dpa / mv) - At a meeting with the MV nursing council, Health Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) emphasized the importance of training.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Minister: Education important to cover care needs

Schwerin (dpa / mv) - At a meeting with the MV nursing council, Health Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) emphasized the importance of training. In recent years, the number of young people who have opted for this area has grown steadily, said Drese.

From the 2017/18 school year to 2021/22, the number of nursing students in the 30 nursing schools in the north-east rose from 950 to more than 1500. "Even taking into account the dropout rate, significantly more skilled workers will be available in the coming years than in previous years "The ministry said.

In order to meet the increasing demand, the training occupations in nursing and geriatric care were merged from 2020. The first cohort will complete their training in 2023. According to the information provided, the training is financed via the nursing training fund, which currently comprises 105 million euros. This is financed by the state and the long-term care insurance.

The state nursing council is a working group of nursing professional associations and nursing organizations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.