My dog ​​has a hot nose: does he have a fever?

A veritable barometer of a dog's health, your pet's nose should be observed carefully because it indicates in certain cases if your dog is sick.

My dog ​​has a hot nose: does he have a fever?

A veritable barometer of a dog's health, your pet's nose should be observed carefully because it indicates in certain cases if your dog is sick.

There has always been a belief that a dog with a hot nose is always sick. This is totally false especially since the feeling of the temperature of a dog's nose depends on external elements such as the temperature of the hands for example. A dog lying in the sun will have a hot, dry nose and will be in perfect health. On the contrary, a dog with a cold will have a cold, wet nose and a runny nose. The nose is therefore an indicator but it is not absolutely certain in many cases.

Like humans, the best way to know if your pet has a temperature is to use the good old rectal thermometer. The normal temperature of a healthy dog ​​is between 38 and 39 degrees. Beyond that, it is advisable to see a veterinarian because the animal may have an infection. Be careful, stress, intense physical activity can increase your pet's body temperature. It is not synonymous with disease.