North Rhine-Westphalia: More vacancies: the training market is changing

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - More training places, fewer applicants: The training market in North Rhine-Westphalia is changing profoundly.

North Rhine-Westphalia: More vacancies: the training market is changing

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - More training places, fewer applicants: The training market in North Rhine-Westphalia is changing profoundly. Because of the demographic development, the job market is increasingly becoming an applicant market, said the head of the NRW regional office of the Federal Employment Agency, Torsten Withake, on Friday in Düsseldorf at a press conference at the start of the training year.

According to Withake, there were 111,000 registered training positions this year in the most populous federal state, compared to only around 102,000 applicants for training positions. Around 16,300 students currently have neither an apprenticeship nor an alternative and are therefore considered to be "unplaced". On the other hand, there are a good 32,000 unfilled training positions. Withake said there are still many opportunities for those who have not yet found an apprenticeship.

Corona is still having an effect on young people, he said. "We see with the young people that the corona pandemic and the associated uncertainties have meant that many young people are relying on a familiar life situation and have decided to go to school again or that more young people have to repeat a school year." This does not make the search for trainees any easier for companies. It is important for companies to counteract the shortage of skilled workers with the help of training opportunities.