Saxony-Anhalt: State updates hospital plan

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) - The cabinet has confirmed the state's hospital plan.

Saxony-Anhalt: State updates hospital plan

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) - The cabinet has confirmed the state's hospital plan. This was announced by the State Chancellery on Tuesday. The hospital plan includes 45 hospitals and is scheduled to come into force on October 1, 2022. According to the information, no comprehensive re-evaluation with a query of the hospital operators and an application process was carried out. The background is the pandemic management in the clinics and an expert opinion, the results of which should be awaited before a new hospital plan is drawn up.

With the report, the coalition of CDU, SPD and FDP wants to have the state of the hospital landscape in Saxony-Anhalt comprehensively examined. The structures, including emergency care and the need for skilled workers, are being examined up to the year 2035. The coalition is unanimous on the question that all clinic locations for medical care should be retained. However, the report should clarify whether the treatment should always be secured with a hospital or whether other forms such as polyclinics or telemedicine should be expanded. According to the Saxony-Anhalt Hospital Society, the hospitals have accumulated an investment backlog of 1.5 billion euros.