Saxony: Green youth calls for admission program for earthquake victims

Dresden (dpa/sn) - The Green Youth of Saxony has called for a state program to accommodate earthquake victims from Syria and Turkey.

Saxony: Green youth calls for admission program for earthquake victims

Dresden (dpa/sn) - The Green Youth of Saxony has called for a state program to accommodate earthquake victims from Syria and Turkey. It should apply to everyone who cannot claim the nationwide visa simplifications, explained Charlotte Henke, state spokeswoman for the youth organization. What the Federal Ministry of the Interior calls "help" is too little, too expensive, too complicated and cynical: "A 90-day visa is far from enough to create real relief," she said. You have to pay for the flights yourself. Necessary documents are either lying under the rubble of the building or have to be laboriously requested from "overburdened, corrupt authorities". "You can't call that help, so Saxony has to step in where the federal government fails."