Thuringia: car rolls over on A9: 84-year-old driver dead

Schleiz (dpa/th) - In a serious car accident on the A9, an 84-year-old driver was thrown out of his vehicle and fatally injured.

Thuringia: car rolls over on A9: 84-year-old driver dead

Schleiz (dpa/th) - In a serious car accident on the A9, an 84-year-old driver was thrown out of his vehicle and fatally injured. The man was on his way to Munich on Friday afternoon when his car left the road to the right near Schleiz (Saale-Orla district). The car overturned several times on the embankment and bounced back onto the freeway. The driver was thrown from the car and injured so badly that he died at the scene of the accident. The A9 was blocked for a good three hours, as the police announced early on Saturday morning.