Exchange of letters Cage-Cunningham: Please do not make the room broken

put The level of modesty, discretion, and restraint, the John Cage and Merce Cunningham on the day, from today's perspective-hard to imagine. Everyone knew tha

Exchange of letters Cage-Cunningham: Please do not make the room broken

put The level of modesty, discretion, and restraint, the John Cage and Merce Cunningham on the day, from today's perspective-hard to imagine. Everyone knew that the two were a Couple. No one, however, who met them would have come up with the idea to ask you a private question. The Private did not matter. The intellectual and aesthetic fascination exerted by the works of the musician and the dancer, together or each alone or with other created liked to have been, was so great, that you had to turn to something like your private life is no time to waste. There was a lot to learn about the revolutionary views of the composer and of the choreographer of music and dance and the relationship of these arts to the stage design and costumes, to technology and Film.

views of the gum trees

Now, letters from the period have been published from 1942 to 1946, including many illustrations from the everyday life of the artist's life. We take a look in your kitchen, your bookshelf, on your rubber trees and your washing machine. In the letters, even in your bedroom. To read, feels like reading the diary of his own father – it doesn't feel right. Why should we know how keen John on Merce? Why, what complex people they were. The question is old-fashioned? Maybe. And what would have been the Alternative? To say that they are edited excerpts of the letters, and wipe the intimate allusions and passages?

The choreographies of Merce Cunninghams and compositions of John Cage were never the expression of emotional States, or even manifestations of an Ego. These subjective manipulations of the abstract expressionism, the two wanted to see the art, on the contrary, freed. That's why they dedicated the coincidence, in order to reduce the number of personal decisions in the case of the hardening of their works. Therefore, they established the practice of mutual independence in the creative process and met as a single arrangement in advance for a joint work to its temporal length. Also with the stage and costume designers, all of whom are famous artists, they shared no further information regarding their intentions, ideas, or inspirations. All the elements of a dance performance – movement, music, clothing, stage design came together only at the Premiere. So, they thought, could rise to something Greater than what they would be able to ensure that a coordinated approach to bring forth.

A love full of humility and self-deprecation

your artistic rank is out of the discussion. Cage, Cunningham, Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg were some of the last heroes of the Modern age. But there were heroes without Pose. To bring the publication of private letters, this funny, ironic, warm-hearted artists you close to us? The price would be low. Because messages about their pleasure on Sex are unsuitable, leading to the addition, for which they are rightly famous.

from John cage's Loyalty to Merce Cunningham to convince is nice, but the temporary is not more painful imbalance of their feelings, their irritation can be read, even now, as Cage's life since 1992, and Cunningham since 2009. Nice is not to get confirmed, what is also surprising: "Write music, talk music, think music, etc. Louis \[is the speech of Louis Horst, musical Director of the Martha Graham Dance Company\] thought my music for your dances excellent, because he doesn't remember it, having seen dances + not remembering being disturbed by music (which is right). I love you. J.“ It is such passages, in which one can convince himself, with which self-irony and, once again, the humility, the Cage itself the Beloved, and a friend stepped in and the own contribution to the common success down played: Horst've seen the dances, and could not remember the music which means the music didn't disturbed him, at least.

Date Of Update: 12 June 2020, 18:19