As a stamp and company logo: watermelons become a symbol of victory

The Cherson region is known for its watermelons and usually trades briskly with them.

As a stamp and company logo: watermelons become a symbol of victory

The Cherson region is known for its watermelons and usually trades briskly with them. However, the fields fall into the hands of the Russian occupiers. With the recapture of the area capital, the fruit now becomes a victory symbol.

After the Russian withdrawal, the Ukrainians are advancing on the regional capital of Cherson in the south of their country - and with them a very special symbol of victory: the watermelon. Videos circulated on social networks over the weekend, showing a Ukrainian soldier holding one of the large, round fruits and being euphorically cheered on by a crowd. A photo showing a Ukrainian flag on top of a giant melon statue was also widely shared.

The background is as follows: The Cherson region with its warm summers is known for particularly delicious watermelons. The fact that the popular fruit fell into the hands of the Russian occupying forces last season also hurt the Ukrainians financially, because the fruit is an important trade product.

After successful Ukrainian counter-offensives, Russian troops gave up all places north-west of the Dnipro River last week. The Russians still have control over a large part of the Cherson region, which lies on the other side of the river. But the victory over the regional capital of the same name is symbolic for the Ukrainians of recapturing the entire region - and thus also the melon fields.

Even high-ranking politicians like the head of the Ukrainian presidential office in Kyiv, Andriy Yermak, are adding melon emojis to their communications about Kherson these days. Several Ukrainian companies also quickly integrated the melon into their company logo. And the Ukrainian post office announced the printing of a special postage stamp on the occasion of the victory in Cherson - with, of course, a piece of watermelon as a motif.