PP grows, approaches the PSOE and moves away from Vox after its national convention, according to the cis of Tezanos

Cutting on one side, distancing on the other. The Popular Party grows 1.6% points at the last Barometer of the CIS, corresponding to the month of October, whi

PP grows, approaches the PSOE and moves away from Vox after its national convention, according to the cis of Tezanos

Cutting on one side, distancing on the other. The Popular Party grows 1.6% points at the last Barometer of the CIS, corresponding to the month of October, which gives it an intention of vote of 22.1%. With this data, it shortens a distance of almost three points (2,7) with respect to the PSOE, which the survey gives 28.5% of support, and takes 2.2 points of advantage to VOX, which falls to 13, 2%.

Some data that, as in previous occasions, are still contrary to the average survey - the last panel of the world-Sigma two estimated that the PSOE would fall below 25% after not stopping its wear - and correspond to the first barometer carried out By the Center for Sociological Studies since October 8, its director, José Félix Tezanos, as a result of a complainment for an alleged crime of malfueling public.

The complaint, filed by VOX, argues that the functioning of the CIS is "irregular" since Tezanos was appointed president of the Agency in 2018. The opposition criticizes since then that Tezanos manipulates the data from the surveys to benefit the PSOE and brake the right .

The data of the current barometer was collected between October 1 and 13, after the National Convention of the Popular Party and during the days when the Government reached an agreement to carry out the next general budgets of the State and unlock The Law of Housing after almost a frozen year between PSOE and united we can.

The PSOE leadership, despite the strong rise of the popular in this edition of the barometer, is still incontestable. In spite of falling 1.1 points this month and the PP grow more of a point, the main opposition party follows 6.4 points of the Socialists, which this weekend celebrates its 40th Federal Congress in Valencia.

For its part, the survey forecasts a drop of 0.6 points for VOX. Those of Santiago Abascal would continue to be the third force today if elections were held, but see how the PP moves two points with respect to the September estimate. Now, the distance between them is 8.9 points and, according to the CIS, the sum of both parties (35.2%) would remain insufficient against a left (40.3%) coalition. Something that the sum of citizens - which also loses half a point in this edition of the cisenter would end the block of right (41.2%).

In the previous barometer, held in September during the historical escalation of the price of light, the cis made the advantage between socialists and popular, which increased to 9.1 points. Thus, the study then predicted an intention of vote of 29.6% for the PSOE and 20.5% for the PP. Vox remained at 13.8% and united we can, a minority partner of the executive's coalition, agglutinated 11.3% of the votes.

Among the novelties of this barometer, he asks for the popularity of the members of the Council of Ministers of Pedro Sánchez. About 80% (78.9%) of respondents do not know any of the new ministers appointed by the president after the July government crisis. The most popular is the owner of presidency, relations with the courts and democratic memory, Felix Bolaños, whom he only knows 43.4% of the Spaniards.

In front of him, is striking the ignorance of the questions in front of the new ministers: José Manuel Albares (81% does not know him), Pilar Joy (78.5%), Pilar Llop (83.8%), Diana Morant ( 90.1%), Isabel Rodríguez (76.2%) and Raquel Sánchez (87.1%).

With regard to the valuation of leaders, three ministers get the approved: Margarita Robles (with a note, over 10, of 5.5), Nadia Calviño (5,4) and Yolanda Díaz (5,4). The worst notes are addressed to the purple sector of the government. The Minister of Consumer, Alberto Garzón, achieves 4.1, such as Universities, Manuel Castells; Social Rights, Ione Belarra, stays in 4, and Equality, Irene Montero, goes down to 3.9.

Date Of Update: 16 October 2021, 01:35