Baden-Württemberg: Negotiation on refugee costs and financial aid

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - The state and local authorities began negotiations on Wednesday evening about the costs for Ukrainian refugees and other financial aid for cities and municipalities.

Baden-Württemberg: Negotiation on refugee costs and financial aid

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - The state and local authorities began negotiations on Wednesday evening about the costs for Ukrainian refugees and other financial aid for cities and municipalities. Host Danyal Bayaz (Greens) received the presidents of the city, community and district councils in the Ministry of Finance in Stuttgart.

The talks about municipal financial equalization in the 2023/2024 double budget are overshadowed by the Ukraine war and the corona pandemic. The country fears that the economy and tax revenues will collapse this year and therefore intends to spend relatively little more. However, the municipalities are pushing for extensive support from the state, because otherwise they would not be able to fulfill their tasks - including the expansion of daycare places and the energy transition.

But first of all, the local representatives are demanding that the country contribute more to the costs for Ukrainian war refugees. The background is that the first refugees will receive Hartz IV benefits from June 1st and will no longer be classified as asylum seekers. The associations had calculated that this system change would result in additional financial requirements of 720 million euros for cities and municipalities. It is eagerly awaited whether the state and local authorities can agree on a solution here. The talks are expected to last late into the evening.