Baden-Württemberg: Police officer saves himself by jumping from a drunk driver

Lahr (dpa / lsw) - With a jump to the side, a police officer and a man in Lahr in the Black Forest were able to save themselves from the car of a drunk driver.

Baden-Württemberg: Police officer saves himself by jumping from a drunk driver

Lahr (dpa / lsw) - With a jump to the side, a police officer and a man in Lahr in the Black Forest were able to save themselves from the car of a drunk driver. As the investigators announced on Friday, the 23-year-old had previously had several "freaks" - but one after the other.

On Thursday morning, the drunk is said to have hit a man's car and insulted him, it was said. In his rage, the 23-year-old then forgot to secure his car from rolling away, so it crashed into a van in the city in the Ortenau district. Then he is said to have driven away and a little later approached the police officer and the man, who were able to save themselves by jumping.

Finally, the officers were able to arrest the young man and found that he had an alcohol content of more than 1.5 per mille. They took his driver's license from him on the spot.